med school finals .....
i've been waiting for this for a long long time
8 exams in one month and i have no time to waste in what happen in kuwait esp. the election thing
or whats going around here and there
i will come back after 55 days

can u find me here ?!!!!
hint : i'm wearing a white coat
to all my friends and colleagues in JUST med-school 2003-2009
be still in my heart
الاقرع اللي بالصف الثاني
enter Q8
ما توقعت احد يجكني
مشكور اخوي وسامحنا على القصور من زمان مو معلق عندك لكنك على البال والخاطر
باقي 55
من معتقله
Mashallah, the boys in ur bach are dominating over the girls, it is totally the opposite in my bach :D
Good luck Doc, hope u do well in ur exams.
actually i didn't notice that until the day of taking this picture
most of the guys wana go to surgery and most of the females wana go to ob/gyn
and only about 10 to 20 (including me) soon to be doctors are thinking of medicine as a future specialty
but what fascinates me , only one female colleague is thinking in doing anesthesia as a specialty and there is no guy thinking in doing such thing :)
thanx alot for your comment and i'm glad to hear that your mother's surgery went well
48 days left
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