لكي الله
اللهم اغفر لحينا وميتنا ، وشاهدنا وغائبنا ، وصغيرنا وكبيرنا ، وذكرنا وأُنثانا ، اللهم من أحييته منا فأحييه على الإسلام ، ومن توفيته منا فتوفه على الإيمان ، اللهم لاتحرمنا أجره ولاتضلنا بعده
اللهم إن عمي في ذمتك ، وحبل جوارك فقه من فتنة القبر وعذاب النار ، أنت الغفور الرحيم
In high-income countries more than two-thirds of all people live beyond the age of 70 and die of chronic diseases: cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, cancers, diabetes or dementia. Lung infection remains the only leading infectious cause of death.
In middle-income countries, nearly half of all people live to the age of 70 and chronic diseases are the major killers, just as they are in high-income countries. Unlike in high-income countries, however, HIV/AIDS, complications of pregnancy and childbirth and road traffic accidents also are leading causes of death.
In low-income countries less than a quarter of all people reach the age of 70, and nearly a third of all deaths are among children under 14. Although cardiovascular diseases together represent the leading cause of death in these countries, infectious diseases (above all HIV/AIDS, lung infections, tuberculosis, diarrhoeal diseases and malaria) together claim more lives. Complications of pregnancy and childbirth together continue to be a leading cause of death, claiming the lives of both infants and mothers.
as seen from the previous figures , death harvest the most valuable player in fighting the poverty
the human ... which make the war against poverty much harder
how we can fight poverty ?
the answer is simple
human + basic needs + free well + motivation + financial resources
yet it's unreachable nowadays because of human greed and the lack of humanity
which result in
war, poverty , pollution, death , hate , killing ,blood, greed and
so to reach the answer of this conundrum we need a lot of working in sake of providing the basic needs for poor people .
and from my point of view . every body should play rule in fighting poverty even if it was a tiny rule. how?
do you need a hint ?
look around you and you will find poor people needs help.
WHO useful publications :
finally i wana thank EXzombie for his post which gave me idea about this action
i know I'm late but i was having problem with my internet connection
Be great in act, as you have been in thought
jokes about psych )
How many psychologists does it take to change a light bulb? None. The light bulb will change itself when it's ready.
Just one, but the light bulb really has to want to change.
Just one, but it takes nine visits.
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb? "How long have you been having this phantasy?"
"Why does the light bulb necessarily have to change?"
One, but he must consult the DSM-IV.
How many psychoanalysts does it take to change a light bulb? "How many do you think it takes?"
Welcome to the Psychiatric Hotline.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
If you are paranoid-delusional, we know who you are and what you want. Just stay on the line so we can trace the call.
If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell you which number to press.
If you are depressed, it doesn't matter which number you press. No one will answer.
If you are delusional and occasionally hallucinate, please be aware that the thing you are holding on the side of your head is alive and about to bite off your ear.
That home
Where the doves are moaning all day long
Where the stairs are leading dusk 'till dawn
Where the windows are breathing in the light
Where the rooms are a collection of our lives
This is a place where I don’t feel alone
This is a place that I call my home
في اللحظات التاريخية النادرة ـ ونحن نعيشها الآن ــ يمر القطار سريعا، ولا يملك الاذكياء سوى ركوب القطار بكل قوة واقتدار، وفي اللحظات التاريخية يشمر الرجال عن سواعدهم ويتوكلون على خالقهم، ويتخذون قراراتهم الشجاعة
احمد الربعي
it started with beautiful dream after long day of loneness , emptiness and dullness . it was a good start for my first day in the morgue . no coffee , no water just wash ur face ( w twa'9a w 9lee) wear ur white coat and go to the morgue. the doctor has a unique sarcastic personality with good jokes about medical students and i had my share :) (( nothing personal so i'm good )) .suddenly the resident entered the office with a file for 8 months girl died 5 hrs ago in home . so we went to the identification room then to the morgue when the story started .
it was a calm room with stealy bench lay on white floor and metallic tray with needed instruments. scaple ,scissors ,forcipes meters and alot of other stuff . and she was there warped by a brown blanket covering her body and face .after preparing we entered the room . it was cold and quite and suddenly i felt of a new feeling that i couldn't define . when the doctor unwrap the girl one of my female colleagues couldn't stand the view of the baby so she left the room .
والتفت الساق بالساق
كان المنظر مهيب حيث انني للمرة الاولى ارى جثة طفلة وقد التفت ساقيها وشخص بصرها
بدأ الدكتور شرحه عن كيفية اكتشاف ساعة الوفاة وعن علامات الوفاة ( اين ومتى) لكنني لم استطع ان ابعد عيناي عن ساقها الملتف و بعد التشريح ذكرني اسماعيل بالاية
(( والتفت الساق بالساق (29) إلى ربك يومئذ المساق (30)فلا صدق ولا صلى(31) ولكن كذب وتولى (32)ثم ذهب إلى أهله يتمطى(33) أولى لك فأولى (34) ثم أولى لك فأولى(35) أيحسب الإنسان أن يترك سدى(36) ))
القيامة: ٢٩ - ٣٦
عسا الله يرحمها ويلهم اهلها الصبر والسلوان
*rigor mortis : stiffening of the body after death
**livor mortis : a reddish purple coloration of dependant areas of the body due to accumulation of blood in the small vessels of the dependant areas secondary to gravity .
the last week was great great week
- firstly aziz was discharged from hospital and he is now in home (( home sweet home ya bo 9ee5) ( he had a internal fixation by a nail ( 9ee5) so he is know officially aziz bo-9ee5 ).
and about the exam it was great... direct Qs about my case and it was easy (( surgery in my blood so it's purely genetics ;) ( according to my last name (!!فهمتها برووك ) )) .
after ortho I have forensic medicine ((( B in the morgue )) and this is the 1st day ( it was slow no cases only the seminars schedule .. pick one ... and go home ) nothing fancy like CSI but i hoping to see a good case ((evil ha)).
great weekend... great movies .
مشكله لما يبطل يم سكنك مطعم وجيات سريعة (( للدجاج المقلي )) ما تقدر تبطل الدريشة لكي لا تعشق الرائحه في ثيابك (( تكفى متى يسكرونه)) والحلو اني ما اكل من المطعم :)
ابلعها ومشيها ..... كان شعاري في السابق
من اليوم لاللبلع وما راح امشيها
لان في ناس بكل بساطة ما تفتهم
من الوطن العربي يخرج زكاة امواله
انطرك يا اسماعيل على ما تيبلي الدراسة
رقم خطير ان صدقت الدراسة
قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم:
ولم يمنعوا زكاة أموالهم إلا منعوا القطر من السماء ولولا البهائم لم يمطروا، ولم ينقضوا عهد الله وعهد رسوله إلا سلط الله عليهم عدواً من غيرهم فيأخذ بعض ما في أيديهم، وما لم تحكم أئمتهم بكتاب الله إلا جعل الله بأسهم بينهم
الانتخابات و باب بوخوخة
كل انسان منا يمر بمراحل في حياته تحمل الكثير من الاحداث والتجارب التي تعمل على صقل فكره لتجعل منه تحفه فريدة لذلك كل واحد منا هو باختصار تحفه فريدة وذلك بسبب فردية التجربة التي يمر بها كل انسان فينا (( للحين ما يبت شي من عندي))
دخولي الى عالم المدونات كان من باب التنفيس عن ما يخالجني بمشاركة الاخرين تفاصيل في مجملها لا تحمل اهمية وكنت احارب فكرة مشاركة الاخرين الافكار والاطروحات والرؤى لانني بالعربي (( مو فاضي , عندي دراسة , لا حياة لمن تنادي , بطقاق , مو شغلي ))
الى متى هذا الصمت.........
"ان لم تزد شيء على الدنيا فأنت زائد عليها"
من العار ان تكون صاحب قكرة لكنك تطويها في غياهب ذهنك متحججا باعذار واهية لا ترتقي يان تكون اقبح من الذنب ذاته
من العار ان تصبح شيطانا اخرس
تذكرت قول الشاعر
سافر تجد عوضًا عمن تفارقه ... وانصب فإن لذيذ العيش بالنصب
فعرفت الطريق ........
Surgeons operating on a 42-year-old Canadian man got a shock when they discovered dark-green blood coursing through his arteries, like Star Trek's Mr Spock.
Stunned, the medical team immediately sent his blood for analysis. The test revealed the blood discolouration was caused by sulfhaemoglobinaemia, which occurs when a sulphur atom gets incorporated into the oxygen-carrying haemoglobin protein in blood.
Doctors suspected that the patient's migraine medication caused the condition. "It is possible that our patient’s arguably excessive intake of sumatriptan, which contains a sulfonamide group, caused his sulfhaemoglobinaemia," they say.
"The patient recovered uneventfully, and stopped taking sumatriptan after discharge. When seen five weeks after his last dose, he was found to have no sulfhaemoglobin in his blood," they added.
The Canadian doctors explain that sulfhaemoglobinaemia usually goes away as red blood cells regenerate. In very extreme cases a transfusion might be necessary, they say.
Mr Spock's green Vulcan blood was supposed to have been caused by copper replacing the iron in haemoglobin.
FROM new scientist journal
:DActinic Keratosis - A premalignant neoplasm of the epidermis caused by excessive exposure to sunlight and manifesting as an ill-marginated, erythematous, scaling, rough papule or patch.
Actinic Keratoses (AK) are located on sun-exposed areas, including the face, neck, dorsal hands and forearms, upper back and chest. AK is synonymous with solar keratosis. Occasionally, AK are more easily felt than seen, as their overlying scale is thick and firmly adherent. Lesions are occasionally tender to palpation. Fair-skinned persons, who burn easily and tan poorly, are most commonly affected. A small percentage of AK on non-mucosal skin can progress to squamous cell carcinoma . Ultraviolet light exposure induces formation of the lesions.
Microscopic examination shows a non-invasive proliferation of atypical, often crowded keratinocytes (i.e. atypical keratinocytes are confined in the epidermis and have not invaded the dermis). The atypical keratinocytes usually occupy the lower aspects of the epidermis and are confined between adnexal structures (i.e. the atypical cells often spare the epithelium of hair follicles and gland ducts). There is parakeratosis (nucleated keratin layer) overlying the atypical keratinocytes, which characteristically alternates with orthokeratosis (non-nucleated keratin layer) above the spared hair follicles. One clue to severe solar damage is elastosis in the dermis.
جميل ان تتحاور مع انسان يفهم ابجديات التحاور ويعلم ان الفكرة تحاورها الفكرة وان المشاعر لا تخضع لقوانين المنطق لذلك وكما قال على بن ابي طالب كرم الله وجهه :اخاطب العاقل فاغلبه واخاطب الجاهل فيغلبني
ومن الممتع ان تقضي الساعات تحاور عقلية منيرة ترى بان الحرية مطلب لكل انسان لكي يبني شخصيتة وترى بان الاصل في الانسان هو الطيبة وان ما استجد علينا من فتن الزمان هو السبب الرئيسي لتشوه اخلاقنا واذواقنا
ومن المفرح ايضا ان ترى شخصا اخر يشاركك الذوق في الطرب والشعر ويرى بان للشعر سحر ويطرب لدى سماعه تلك الاصوات التي تعيدنا للزمن الجميل وتوقد في قلوبنا الشوق لتلك اللحظات ويؤمن بان الناس ولدوا احرارا لافرق بينهم ولا تمايز ويعلم ان مبداء ( اذا لم تكن معي فانت ضدي ) مبداء الاطفال والصغار والجهال لانه يرى بالاختلاف رحمه مادام غريمك ذو عقل رزين لانك
قد اسمعت اذ ناديت حيا ***** ولكن لا حياة لمن تنادي
والاعظم انه يؤمن بان الحرية لا تكون حرية الى بحدود احترام الاخر واحترام مبادئه ومعتقداته
اليك يا بو جاسم اهدي هذه التحية
للاسف هناك القليل منك في هذا العالم